With a fortnight left to go before the closing date, the contest for an ordinary fan to win a drive in a Williams Formula One car is still wide open, according to competition organiser and team sponsor Philips.

The fastest 10 entrants to complete the online ‘test track’ on the competition website by September 20th will win an expenses-paid trip to the UK to take part in an on-track evaluation in various types of race cars – and the best three will be assessed by Williams technical director Sam Michael at the team’s Oxforshire HQ, with the winner earning five laps in one of the team’s recent cars.
Patrick Overwijk, F1 sponsorship manager at Philips Consumer Lifestyle, said: “The competition has had a fantastic response. Lap times in the online Philips Driving Academy are falling day after day so competition for the top ten places is really hotting up.
“This shows us that entrants are really practicing their skills and that we will unearth a number of men or women who have what it takes to drive the AT&T Williams car. There are just about two weeks left to enter the competition and all 10 places are still up for grabs. Good luck!”
For full details about how to enter the competition and what the prizes are, see our earlier story here – or go straight to the Philips Driving Academy at www.philips.com/attwilliams.
Two things we know about this competition: the prize is about as good as it gets, and we don’t look much like we’re going to be the ones who win it. Ah well – if it turns out be you, have fun and send us some photos.